Why You Should Work With An Independent Mortgage Professional

Wyatt Tunnicliffe • May 17, 2023

If you need a mortgage, working with an independent mortgage professional will save you money and provide you with better options than dealing with a single financial institution. And if that is the only sentence you read in this entire article, you already know all you need to know.

However, if you’d like to dig a little deeper, here are some reasons that outline why working with an independent mortgage professional is in your best interest.

The best mortgage is the one that costs you the least over the long term. An independent mortgage professional can help you achieve this.

Mortgages aren’t created equally. Oftentimes slick marketing leads us to believe the lowest “sticker price” is the best value. So when it comes to mortgage financing, you might assume the mortgage with the lowest rate is the best option. This isn’t always the case.

When considering a mortgage, your goal should be to find the mortgage that will cost you the least amount of money over the total length of the mortgage. There are many factors to consider, such as your specific financial situation, the rate, initial term length, fixed or variable rate structure, amortization, and the penalties incurred should you need to break your mortgage early; the fine print matters.

An independent mortgage professional can walk through all these factors with you and will help you find the mortgage that best suits your needs. Sometimes taking a mortgage with a slightly higher rate can make sense if it gives you flexibility down the line or helps you avoid huge payout penalties.

Working the numbers with an independent mortgage professional will save you money in the long run instead of just going with what a single lender is offering.

Save time by letting an independent mortgage professional find the best mortgage product for you.

Let's face it, getting a mortgage can be challenging enough on its own. Everyone’s financial situation is a little different and making sense of lender guidelines is a full-time job in itself.

So instead of dealing with multiple lending institutions on your own, when you work with an independent mortgage professional, you submit a single mortgage application that is compared to the lending guidelines of various mortgage lenders. This will save you time as you don’t have to go from bank to bank to ensure you’re getting the best mortgage.

Simply put, an independent mortgage professional works for you and has your best interest in mind, while a bank specialist works for the bank and has the bank's best interest in mind.

It’s no secret that Canadian banks make a lot of money. It seems every quarter they turn billions of dollars in profit (despite the economic environment). They do this at the expense of their customers by charging as much interest as they can and structuring mortgages to their benefit.

It’s all about the alignment of interest. Bank employees work for the bank; the bank pays them to make money for the bank. In contrast, independent mortgage professionals are provincially licensed to work for their clients and are paid a standardized placement or finder’s fee for matching borrowers with lenders. When you work with a single bank, you only have access to the products of that bank. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, you have access to all of the lenders that mortgage professionals have relationships with and all their products.

Working with an independent mortgage professional will save you money, time, and provide you with better mortgage options. Plus, you have the added benefit of working with a licensed professional looking out for your best interest, providing you with the best possible advice.

If you’d like to know more or to discuss mortgage financing, please connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you.

Wyatt Tunnicliffe

Mortgage Broker

By Wyatt Tunnicliffe February 19, 2025
Credit. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that you will make payments in the future. When you borrow money to buy a property, you’ll be required to prove that you have a good history of managing your credit. That is, making good on all your payments. But what exactly is a “good history of managing credit”? What are lenders looking at when they assess your credit report? If you’re new to managing your credit, an easy way to remember the minimum credit requirements for mortgage financing is the 2/2/2 rule. Two active trade lines established over a minimum period of two years, with a minimum limit of two thousand dollars, is what lenders are looking for. A trade line could be a credit card, an instalment loan, a car loan, or a line of credit; basically, anytime a lender extends credit to you. Your repayment history is kept on your credit report and generates a credit score. For a tradeline to be considered active, you must have used it for at least one month and then once every three months. To build a good credit history, both of your tradelines need to be used for at least two years. This history gives the lender confidence that you’ve established good credit habits over a decent length of time. Two thousand dollars is the bare minimum limit required on your trade lines. So if you have a credit card with a $1000 limit and a line of credit with a $2500 limit, you would be okay as your limit would be $3500. If you’re managing your credit well, chances are you will be offered a limit increase. It’s a good idea to take it. Mortgage Lenders want to know that you can handle borrowing money. Now, don’t confuse the limit with the balance. You don’t have to carry a balance on your trade lines for them to be considered active. To build credit, it’s best to use your tradelines but pay them off in full every month in the case of credit cards and make all your loan payments on time. A great way to use your credit is to pay your bills via direct withdrawal from your credit card, then set up a regular transfer from your bank account to pay off the credit card in full every month. Automation becomes your best friend. Just make sure you keep on top of your banking to ensure everything works as it should. Now, you might be thinking, what about my credit score, isn’t that important when talking about building a credit profile to secure a mortgage? Well, your credit score is important, but if you have two tradelines, reporting for two years, with a minimum limit of two thousand dollars, without missing any payments, your credit score will take care of itself, and you should have no worries. With that said, it never hurts to take a look at your credit every once and a while to ensure no errors are reported on your credit bureau. So, if you’re thinking about buying a property in the next couple of years and want to make sure that you have good enough credit to qualify, let’s talk. Connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you and help you to understand better how your credit impacts mortgage qualification.
By Wyatt Tunnicliffe February 12, 2025
The best place to start the mortgage process is with a pre-approval. But once you’ve been pre-approved for a mortgage and you’ve been shopping with location in mind, what happens when you can’t find a suitable property? There's no doubt about it; finding the perfect property within your price range is a difficult task, especially for first-time homebuyers. So, before buyer’s fatigue sets in, maybe you should consider adding the cost of renovations into your purchase. Buying a property and including the cost of renovations into the mortgage is available through a program called purchase plus improvements. When purchasing a home, you can add the cost of home upgrades into your mortgage, making it a great option if you can’t find something move-in ready and aren’t afraid to do a little work! But while this sounds simple enough, in all honestly, it’s quite the process. There are some pretty strict rules to follow, but nothing that you can’t handle with the guidance of an independent mortgage professional. Here’s a quick overview of the process. Firstly, you must provide quotes to the lender ahead of time for the work you would like to complete. It’s good to note that the renovations will have to increase the value of the property accordingly. From there, the lender doesn’t give you the money to do the upgrades; you have to come up with that yourself. However, once the work has been completed and verified by an appraiser, the lender will reimburse you and include the money in your mortgage. This program isn’t for everyone. Buying a home is a stressful endeavour in and of itself. The added stress of having to undertake renovations right away might not be a good idea. But then again, if you have the financial wherewithal to handle the cost of renovations and like the idea of making it yours from the start, then this might be just the option you’ve been looking for! Please connect directly; it would be a pleasure to walk through the exact process and outline what securing a purchase plus improvements would look like for you!
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